Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sumo Paint and Architect Studio 3D

Sumo Paint and Architect Studio 3D:

Sumo Paint is an interactive high definition version of the traditional paint program that is installed in almost every computer’s software programs. Sumo Paint is a fun, free program that allows people to create and post images on the website. The program has many of the same features as the regular paint program, but with a sort of “turbo-boost” power.

There are various tools that you can use in the program such as creating lines that are smooth, cross hatched, etc, you can also adjust shading, light, tint, texture, hue, value, contrast, tone, size, rotation, etc.

Pedagogically this website could be easily used for a lesson in a classroom. What is great about the program is that the vast majority of students who have used a computer have fooled around with the paint program and are well aware of the various features. A teacher could create a class assignment with the Sumo Paint program by establishing that students are to create an art piece through the media and must keep in mind the following criteria for the outcome; such as they must create a balance between positive and negative space, they must show shading and contrast, they must show a focal point, etc.

The students can save their work as they go and since the program is free, it can be accessed anywhere, at home, in the library... Also, the images and artworks can immediately be posted on the classroom web page or blog and can be e-mailed to friends and family.

This is a great program and pedagogically it has many positive features. The only problem that may arise that teachers should watch for is individuality and plagiarism. Teachers need to ensure that students are not taking images that other people have posted and are calling them their own, especially by only altering them a little bit.

The Wacom tablet would definitely come in handy for using Sumo Paint.

You can watch a YouTube video of examples of how to use Sumo Paint:



Architect Studio 3D is another free program that many teachers are using in their classrooms today. It is a virtual program that teaches the basic concepts of design through the teachings of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Architect Studio 3D is a virtual interactive site that allows students to design and create their own buildings. The program is all step-by-step and guides you throughout the creating process by first establishing the clientele you will be designing for, students then choose a location best suited for their client, followed by a floor plan, the program then allows the student to place various rooms, doors, cupboards etc, throughout the house, all while little window pop-ups of architectural information come up on the screen.

This is a great interactive program in that it lets the student choose what they want to create while giving them solid information on the how’s and why’s. Just as mentioned earlier in the Sumo Paint program, Architect Studio 3D is a diverse teaching tool that can be used widely in the classroom. The instructor could give guidelines on what they expect the student to with the program and set the project outline to match the characteristics of the program. Also, once again just like the Sumo Paint program, Architect Studio 3D is free and works can be saved and accessed from any computer location.

Check out the website: http://architectstudio3d.org/

Check out a teacher blog: http://www.blog2008.thevirtualclassroom.org/?p=450?p=450

Images on this page:


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